Wednesday, December 05, 2007

We'll all be ruined

FEARMONGERS ARE HAVING A FIELD DAY - Who would have thought in the 60's that the role of fearmonger would move from dear old Hanrahan in the bush to dear young preacher from the green society.
And if young people are worried, why aren't so many of the ageing middle class leaders ? Maybe they have other things on their minds - like how to shore up their own world view - that progress is still happening and evil is only in a lockable cupboard called ignorance ?

Fear does strange things to people - they react badly and quickly to threats percieved or real . They do things that are not rational - not economic)

Mr Rudds first big splash in matters of major importance is a form of cultural cringe that denies his economic conservative credentials . In one big sweep of excessive largess he has the whole country uncritically commit themselves to sign up to an easily torpedoed international agreements that is a lawyers picnic .
Rudd is moving from safe to unsafe- Moving where even angels fear to tread. He has now signed something he clearly does not know the practical implications of ( eg carbon trading implications)it is not something he should have done ,Haste makes waste man and economic conservative leaders do not not waste .They wait till the carbon trading issues are weighed up and they o not lisetn too closely to the wannabes who in their face screaming for action .

We need less fearmongers --not more